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Schedule a Thinking Partnership Session

We assess your challenges together and propose the next steps and formats.

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Estuarine Mapping Online (online, English or German)
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Navigating Complexity Half-Day Workshop; September 16, 2024; Onsite - Berlin, Germany (English, German)
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The Official Cynefin Basecamp - October 28 -31, 2024 - online, English
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Team Workshop
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Leadership Workshop
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Sign up for a Course

Personal Transformation and Self-Leadership 2024

Transformation Intensive
October 12 – 18, 2024
guided personal development course
House Schmagerow north of Berlin, Germany, near the border to Poland, D-17321 Ramin.
Course Costs: 
€ 3.495,- plus VAT
until June 20, 2024: 3.145,- plus VAT
Full Board € 450,-
Register here
Transformation Intensive
May 17 - 23, 2025
guided personal development course
House Schmagerow north of Berlin, Germany, near the border to Poland, D-17321 Ramin.
Course Costs: 
€ 3.495,- plus VAT
until April 17, 2025: 3.145,- plus VAT
€ 450,-
Register here